Saturday, April 10, 2010

Best books for babies


Pittsburgh-based literacy group, Beginning with Books, has just released its list of books of Best Books for Babies for 2010. Members of the Beginning with Books committee sort through the thousands of books published each year and selects the ones they believe are best for babies and toddlers.

Here's a link to an article in the Seattle Times that includes the list:

The Helen Oxenbury books were favorites in our house when my children were tiny. Oxenbury knows babies. Also, I wrote about Posy last year in one of my News Tribune columns. It it lovely. Here's a link to that column (transplanted to this blog):

I'll use this excuse to mention one of my favorite series for toddlers, though I don't think any new entries were published last year:

Gossie and Gertie (Gossie and Friends)The Gossie and Friends series by Olivier Dunrea is charming, funny and each book contains stories that are just the right length and just the right interest level for youngsters ages 2 to 4. Whenever I read one to the preschoolers at my school, we get to the end and they say: "Read it again."

-Rebecca Young

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